Er. Simar Preet Singh
Assistant Professor, Chandigarh Engineering College, Landran, Mohali
Simar Preet Singh, presently an Assistant Professor at Chandigarh Engineering College, Landran, Mohali is also a Microsoft Professional. Apart from this he is also having certifications like Microsoft Certified System Engineer (MCSE), Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS) and Core Java. He had also undergone training programme for VB.Net and Cisco Certified Network Associates (CCNA). He has worked with Infosys Limited and DAV University, Jalandhar. He also has International Trip and International Project to his name. He has published SCI/SCIE/Scopus-Indexed papers. He has presented many research papers in various National and International Conferences in India and abroad. His areas of interests include Cloud Computing, Fog Computing, IoT, Bigdata and Machine Learning.